Minneapolis Wedding Videography | Travis + Maria

First of all a big thank you to Travis and Maria enough for choosing us to be part of their two-day wedding plans. When a couple so carefully plans their wedding, we feel so lucky to be included. They even allowed us to work with them on lighting, since both days would put them outside in the dark and we wanted to make sure their photos and video didn’t miss a moment.

Please note especially the inclusion of Travis’s own proposal video (a stroke of brilliance!), their beautiful vows, and the fantastic dance skills of their officiant, who channeled Michael Jackson with pizzazz that the Lanesboro Golf Course has likely never seen before, nor will ever see again.

Maria and Travis, we can’t thank you enough for including us in your wedding plans. It is truly an honor to know you and to see you get married. Congratulations to you both!

Travis + Maria | Wedding Film from Eyetography on Vimeo.



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