Basilica of Saint Mary Wedding Photography | Mariya + Nick

Having a wedding at St. Mary’s Basilica usually feels very formal. From the large guest list to the transportation, there are usually a lot of moving parts.

Mariya and Nick’s wedding was a totally unique Basilica wedding. It was an intimate guest list and all the guests were able to walk a couple of blocks to rooftop reception. It was totally unlike any wedding we’ve shot there before!

Plus, how often do you leave the Basilica and have Chipotle at the reception? It was awesome. Mariya and Nick really designed their day around what gave them joy and it’s something we wish all couple’s felt free to do. Nothing has to “match,” or seem “weddingy” as long as it puts a smile on your face and you want to share it with family and friends.

Mariya designed her own bouquet (I know, right?!) and they had a coffee cart that printed foam with the couple’s faces on it.  Covid really threw all Mariya and Nick’s original plans for a loop, but with sheer positivity and big helping hand from family and friends, they were able to bring together a wedding day that reflected their happiness.

Mariya and Nick, congratulations! We’re so glad to have been a part of your day!







Bride getting ready for her wedding day. The Groom get's ready for the wedding day. The bride and groom's first lookThe bridal party pose for photos. Bride and Father First LookGroom and Bride PortaitsThe bride and groom's portraitsWedding Ceremony at Basilica of St. MaryWedding Ceremony at Basilica of St. MaryGroom and Bride ecstatic after wedding ceremony Wedding Reception DetailsWedding Toasts in Minneapolis MinnesotaBride and Groom portraits on roof.