We met Bridget and Ryan at Ryan’s alma mater, St. John’s, in front of a piece of architecture that i was astonished not to know about. If you haven’t seen or heard of St. John’s Abby, google it, look at the photo, now double the size in your mind because that picture does not do it justice. The bell tower (also called the “banner”) is visible from over a mile away. And right behind that, the front of the building is one of the largest stained glass walls in the world. Yes, this is in Minnesota and yes, I’d never heard of it before!
While Kuba and I were reeling from the Abby, Bridget and Ryan enjoyed a walk down memory lane. Right behind the campus is a (now frozen) lake that I’m sure is quite tempting in the summer when you’re cramming for finals, as well as many beautiful trails. I was glad to get the full tour from an alum, but I was totally jealous at the same time. Kuba and I also met in college, but all the bus fumes made for a far less romantic spot.
Bridget and Ryan, we loved hanging out with you and getting the full St. John’s tour on such a beautiful night. We can’t wait for your wedding day!