We met Garrett and Anna at 8am for their engagement session at Merriam Park. At that hour, it looked completely deserted, but it was less than half an hour before we had a curious visitor. We heard some rustling in the tall grass, and a little black cat appeared (thankfully before I had time to yell “PYTHON!” at the top of my lungs). He walked right up to Garrett and Anna to join their session and demand some affection. Apparently, he lives across the street from the park, so I’m guessing he sensed Anna and Garrett exuding sweetness, and jumped off his porch thinking he was going to get some cuddles for himself.
Garrett and Anna were both amused and bemused by the cat, admitting that they are both dog people all the way. That became clear later when we met their black lab, Trudy. We kept trying to take a picture with Trudy a little bit away from Anna and Garrett, but she wanted to stick to them like glue. She seem completely confused by the idea that she should not be right next to them. I could imagine her thinking, “Why would I be over here when there are awesome people are over there? That’s just silly. Let’s walk over there and pick up a stick on the way!”
Like an animated movie couple, Anna and Garrett’s sweetness seems to attract fluffy animals. We can’t wait to shoot their wedding! (Seriously, will birds help Garrett get dressed? Will an otter trundle out of the woods to give them a hug? Who knows!)